21705 Royalton Road

Strongsville, OH 44149

Customer Service: 800 752 5993

Core Activity:
  • General Product Storage
  • Value Added Services

60,000 Square feet

D+S Distribution

21705 Royalton Road, Strongsville, OH 44149

Local Contact Information

216 416 9082

Several years ago a potential supplier asked us what he needed to do to grow his business at Wooster Brush. Our response was ‘make us feel like we were his number one customer’ which is based on what I feel has been the key to our successful relationship with D+S Distribution – high levels of service and treated like we are their number one customer every day.

Steve Workman, Wooster, OH Purchasing Manager, Wooster Brush

We consider D+S Distribution to be an extension of our operation. We are proud of what we have achieved together.

Rick Oberg, Wooster, OH General Manager, International Paper

I have never known your team to be anything less than the utmost professionals. D+S Distribution always has a solution to offer and is always quick to implement. Customer satisfaction runs deep throughout all levels of your organization.

John Hewer, Columbus, OH President, Resource Packaging

When working with D+S Distribution we really feel they have our company’s best interest in mind and we work together not as a supplier and a customer but as partners.

Niklas Gerborg, Cleveland, OH President, BabySwede LLC

With proposed solutions as the starting point, D+S Distribution consistently delivers what they promise. D+S combines its many years of experience across a broad base of industries with documented processes and procedures to consistently deliver results.

James Sabo, Ravenna, OH Director of Operations, White Rubber Corporation

Hytec put out RFPs to several 3PL operations and was focused specifically on finding a service provider for the distribution piece. D+S Distribution did not provide the best pricing but it did present the greatest value. We wanted to get our distribution costs in line and D+S helped us redesign our outbound distribution network from Columbus. Hytec partnered with D+S to outsource the management of its 50,000 sq. ft. distribution facility so it could fluctuate staffing up and down to match varying business cycles which reduced staff and increased productivity. We have gone from fixed to variable distribution costs based on sales.

Denis Bruncak, Columbus, OH CEO, Hytec Automotive Group

D+S Distribution and its management has always been top notch. You have a wonderful model and your service is outstanding. I will always recommend you to customers or other manufacturers during my travels. D+S has been the best 3PL and warehouse provider I have ever worked with.

Barry Smith, Euclid, OH Director Global Supply Chain, Lincoln Electric

People, Preparation, Perseverance, Performance

Pride in Service!

Contact Us Today!

D+S Distribution, Inc.

P.O. Box 477

3500 Old Airport Rd
Wooster, OH 44691

Contact Customer Service

